“Vogue” For the Love of Art. Ernesto Benítez (Paintings)

By Marlen Arrébola and Licet González

Let there be no more talk of this absurd maxim: we need new things, we must adapt to the times, everything is changing, everything is changing, everything is changing, perhaps nature is changing, the light and the air are changing, the passions of the human heart have changed since the times of Homer? We must adapt to the times: but what if my times are in error, because my neighbor does wrong, I am obliged to do the same, because they have a false idea of virtue as well as of beauty? Must I have it in my turn, must I imitate them?

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingress
“Art, nature and fashion”.

At the time the avant-garde artist reinforces the era of forced “nihilism” to express with its help the paroxysm of the unacceptability of any compromise or of an extreme point of negation.

In “Vogue for the love of Art”, Ernesto takes from avant-gardism elements such as: the rupture of the traditional nexus of art, e.g. academicism, he questions the very existence of art, rebelling against the tyranny of the words “harmony” and good taste.

As a mode of expression he uses Pop, which allows him to visually materialize aspects of miscommunication, elements of violence, religion, the manipulation of ideological fashion, imposed or assimilated, e.g. brands and advertising images, comics.

Ernesto uses symbols, which allows dissimilar results according to the experiences and identifications made by the public, thus enriching the work-artist-spectator relationship in the co-creative process, taking into account that there is no definitive or pigeonholed reading.

Through the psychology of perception and creation, Ernesto, together with us, highlights one of the functions of art: its playful character.

We can emphasize that one of the plastic elements that gives it greater expressive force and that serves as a vehicle to materialize the different elements of the design and composition is the size of the work, which generally ranges between 1.75 x 1.40 m.

… Cultivate the new just for the sake of being new, just like that: for the love of art.

Marlen Arrébola
Lic. Licet González

January 1994