Fire Curtain (Liminality, Transition, Rituality)

Threshold, Liminality and Rituality in Transition: Exitus-Reditus, Cartography of the Self (Environmental Art)

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Fire Curtain (Exitus-Reditus)

Cast Bronze and Textile.
250 x 350 x 46 cm. (variable dimensions Installation)
Work for Specific Space (Site Specific Art) that was first shown at the Personal Exhibition “Exitus-Reditus, Cartography of the Self”, Servando Gallery (Genesis Art Galleries), Havana.

Liminality, Transition and Rituality in Artistic Praxis

“Curtain of fire” is a metaphor for all material wrapping. It reflects on the processes of perception and on appearances as revelations of the world: outer garments that covers, with visible veils, its own invisibility. In this tessitura, the piece alludes to the illusory wrappings and the rituals of passage. As a symbolic threshold, it is represented in a courtain (metaphorical point of union and separation of the possible worlds); thus, it is constituted as a frame and starting point towards the transition characterized by what is wrapped in the secret.

Threshold-Fire and Liminality: Ontological Transition Space

This work opens or inaugurates the exhibition and arises on the ideas of threshold, preamble or prelude. The passage or “transit” that the spectator experiences while goes through this piece is an allegoric expression that refers to the liminality of the experience in the existential sphere. Thus, this symbolic Rite of Initiation precedes and inaugurates a path ontologically focused towards the development of our spiritual capacities, as a constructive proposal of existence.
Curtain of Fire discusses, in short, action and renewal in the existential ambit. It proposes a vision of the world where the authentic being of the real is not static, but dynamic: becoming. A vision of the world in which the man is a being-in-relation; an ontological not-dual being, but immanently transcendent.
Here the wings enunciate the superior states of the trascendent self and red-black colors refer to the chromatic relationship of fire in hermetic philosophy and alchemy.