Return of the Prodigal Son (Ephemeral Installation)

Labyrinth of ideas: From Utopian Fiction to the Paradigm of Decadence (Survivors Series)

Retorno del hijo prodigo (Instalacion) Arte Cubano Conceptual: Aesthetic of Decadence-Decay, Survivors, Art and Politics Dogma Retrograde Utopian Ephemeral Contemporary Art (Sobrevivientes Estética de la Decadencia, Arte y Política, Dogma y Pseudo-Utopismo Arte y Antropología Retrógrado Arte Contemporáneo Efímero)

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Return of the Prodigal Son

Family plaster altar, classic Coca-cola bottle, rope / oil and pastel on paper mounted on family portrait.
Installation of variable dimensions
Shown for the first time in the Personal Exhibition “Sobrevivientes”, Domingo Ravenet Art Gallery, Havana.

Ideological labyrinth of decadence and authoritarianism: From utopian fiction to the paradigm of decadence and self-pity. The rite of resignation versus dogma and extreme ideologization. Chronicle of self-cloister, dissent, disappointment and social, political disaffection.