Exhibition in Cuba shows inflated garbage bags as 'identity stripping', Exposición en Cuba muestra bolsas de basura infladas como ´despojo de la identidad´, La MegaNota

Exhibition in Cuba shows inflated garbage bags as ‘identity stripping’, La MegaNota

Art and Leisure

by EFE (editor@lamegamedia.com)


Havana, Jan 13 (EFE) – Cuban artist Ernesto Benitez premiered this Friday at the Hispano-American Center of Culture the work “Leviathan”, an exhibition consisting of a pile of inflated garbage bags, which allude to the person “stripped of identity”.

The piece, which will be on display until February 7, is also a reference to authoritarianisms “from the personal” to “governments”, but, above all, to the “dispensability” of the “subject, uniform collectivism and the Machiavellian anonymity of the hypnotized mob”, as Benitez explained to EFE.

The author -based in Spain- adds with “Leviathan” his second personal exhibition in Cuba during the last ten years and said he expects to make a similar one “soon” in Spain.

The exhibition also alludes to how the subjects in today’s society are “disposable” and, at the end of the day, it is also about a person “ignored” in the masses.

Likewise, according to the information that accompanies the work in the center -in front of the iconic Havana Malecon- it refers “directly to the hegemonic neoliberal ‘mátrix’, mediated by the sacrosanct technology, the implacable influence and the real power of the market”.

Published in La MegaNota