Reset Work (Nit de l´Art 2022) Palma de Mallorca: The Art as an ethical commitment…

NIT DE L´ART 2022 Ernesto Benitez Arte Contemporáneo Conceptual Cubano en Mallorca
Mallorca Progress Society

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Reset Work (Nit de l´Art 2022), Palma de Mallorca

(Site-specific installation, painting and drawing).
Personal Art Show exhibited at Mallorca Progress Society in the Nit de l’Art 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.

Reset Work (Nit de l´Art): Art as an ethical commitment.

Reset: to recompose, re-establish, readjust or, whatever… After a pause, a small parenthesis, Reset Work – an anglicism with which I establish an obvious semantic play on the classic Recent Work that we artists tend to use to title and present our new proposals – reflects on the empirical need to readjust a praxis in order to restructure its configuration and redefine the meaning of its discourse.

The title of the exhibition alludes to a concept of reset that does not necessarily entail restarting as a reboot that imposes a kind of tabula rasa or a “clean slate” to return to a hypothetical initial state. Reset Work, as an exhibition project, in its broadest sense, proposes, in the first instance, a stop along the way to reflect on the process of creation, not as a mere aesthetic search, but as an ethical commitment.

Polarisation and Radicalisation: digitalised culture (Reset Work, Nit de l’Art en Mallorca).

In the coordinates of a polarised and radicalised Europe, this exhibition reflects on the transformations inherent in the digitalisation of culture and the change in the formats and channels of communication in order to address the evident changes and traumas that hyper-informed culture produces in human subjectivity.

Malevich’s white square on a white background, the prohibition of absinthe in many European countries and the aberrant primacy of the Cartesian cogito definitively installed in the positivism of the 20th century inaugurate modernity and its avant-garde mentality. Inspired by them, Reset Work is articulated, fundamentally, from two series of two-dimensional works and an installation conceived for a specific site: Intelligent Design-I which, from a profoundly contestatory discourse, questions the fundamental pillars of the civilisational model of Western Europe, a culture which, according to Tom Holland, “is suspicious of religion”, but has its deep roots in a Christianity that still gloats over its evident medieval character.

Thinking the void by emptying the mind of thoughts: Reset Work (Nit de l’Art Palma de Mallorca).

Along similar lines, the series Extremaunción delves into the traps of binary thought expressed in a dichotomous key of excluding opposites, while Sin Suturas, beyond the nihilistic fundamentalism of La Nada, proposes -from an evident autobiographical exercise of introspection- a way of thinking the void by emptying the mind of thoughts.