Philosophy and Art: Art as a Self-Cognitive Process (Truth, Identity and Analogy)

Arte Contemporáneo cubano: Exposición CNAP Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas (Arte Cubano)

National Council of Plastic Arts – CNAP

(Revolution and Culture Magazine)

Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas, Habana-Cuba
Facultad de Artes y Letras. Artes y Letras UH

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To Tear the Veil of the Arcane, 1999

Mixed Media (ashes, coal, sulfur, 14K gold dust, clay and acrylic) on Canson paper. 75 x 55 cm.
Shown -as a personal exhibition- at the headquarters of the Revolución y Cultura magazine, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas (CNAP). Graduation thesis from Higher Institute of Art – ISA (Instituto Superior de Arte) alternating with Pain is The Life simultaneous personal exhibition shown at Galería Luz y Oficios, in Havana.
They are later exhibited -also as a personal exhibition- in a large-sized Environmental Art installation at the Luis de Soto Art Gallery, Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Havana (Facultad de Artes y Letras, UH).  The installation consists of a series of drawings hung on the 4 surrounding walls of the gallery with a school desk in front of each work. Here the viewer could sit down to consult and answer a questionnaire written about the piece.

Religatio-Religare: Philosophy and Contemporary Art

As an alternative to the absolute reign of modern unreason, its factual criteria of evaluation, its metaphysical crisis and its disbelief in the flags of utopia, this project proposes an exploration of the paths of knowledge, its mechanisms of approach to the immanent and the transcendent from a deep vocation of religare.  It could be summarized as a point of suture (religatio); an exutorium that opens the ways of communion with what we consider the meaning of life. Here the analogy (analogical thought), in accordance with the poetics -that consecrates the matter- and allows the subject to be founded on it -through its intimate sense?-, to open the doors to the infinite of all the possible ones. In this tessitura, “To Tear the Veil of the Arcane” puts intuition before specious logical reasoning, symbolic multivalence before literality, and intelligence of the heart before rational intellect… because they are more open to the essential absurdity that constitutes existence itself.