Scissions and Fragmentation (Deus Otiosus). The Cultural Heritage of the West and the Death of God

Ernesto Benítez Galeria de arte La Casona Galería-de-Arte
Ernesto Benítez Génesis Galerías de Arte

Share All Names of God:

All Names of God, 2007

Ink and Ink-Pencil on Fabriano paper
110 x 75 cm.
Conceived as cartographic maps of the installation “Absurd Harmony of Being” and shown as a personal exhibition at La Casona Gallery (Genesis Art Galleries), Havana.

Deus Otiosus: (To God Dead, God Set). Yes,  A dead God, a new God)

The anxious death of God, proclaimed in the twilight of modernity, has turned out to be a farce; an unfulfilled promise that has only exacerbated the fervor of a new “faith” among the contemporaries, who, instead of burying the old supreme divinity, have replaced it with myriads of new deities more suited to the new circumstances. The West has thus become a melting pot of idols rather than creeds: a fetish factory with idolaters who profess divine worship of the Symbol to the detriment of the symbolized.  The post-modern teleological foundations have been installed in the extreme freedom; the new religiosity is reduced to a personal dimension and God, who was never really expelled from our worldviews (it is not possible to do so), appears today -both in the pessimistic European discourse and in American positivist pragmatism– encysted in the margins of a light will: more permissive and less demanding.
These works are inspired by the symbolism of the metronome (the instrument that defines and marks the rhythmic tempo) to discuss harmony and complementarity between opposites; about tolerance and coexistence.  There is a direct reference to fragmentation, scission and the phenomenon of amputation through the use of surgical instruments from ancient Greece, the cradle of Western civilization and thought.