Suspended Heart (Vertigo of Succession)

Between Pain, Tedium and Boredom: Suspended Fire, Pending Heart (Ephemeral Installation). From the series Pain is The Life.

Memory, Oblivion and Vertigo of Succession: Heart Suspended between Heaven and Earth Corazón Suspendido (El Dolor es La Vida), péndulo entre el dolor y el hastío, memoria y olvido Arte Corazón Suspendido (El Dolor es La Vida), péndulo entre el dolor y el hastío, memoria y olvido Arte Contemporáneo Artes Visuales y Artes Plásticas, Galería Luz y Oficios CPAPD

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Suspended -Hanging- Heart  (Pain is The Life)

Terracotta (ceramic), ropes, ashes and sulfur on the wall.
350 x 240 cm. (Variable dimensions Installation)
Shown for the first time at the “Pain is The Life” Exhibition, Luz y Oficios Gallery, Provincial Center of Plastic Arts and Design (CPAPD), Havana

Memory and Oblivion: Vertigo of Succession

“Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom.”
Arthur Schopenhauer
(The world as will and representation)

Circumstances (ashes of the dreamed man) Fire (vertigo of succession ad infinitum). Days and Nights, systole-diastole, memory and oblivion; concatenation, tension, alternation and resonance… that permanent fluctuation of life as an impulse; as rosary beads. Resonance in the empty extremes of nonmeaning.

Fire and Ash: Cicatricial Territories

“Our conscience is continuously passing from one state to another, and that is the time: succession.”
Jorge Luis Borges

Here man, summarized in the metaphor of the heart (slope, suspended between heaven and earth) has been realized from a terracotta pottery. Accidentally broken and later repaired, it exhibits the historic eloquence of its scars in open reference to the Kintsugi (Kintsukuroi) philosophy. Thus, the scar, as a trace, as remains of the wound in the memory, detritus of the loss and reminiscence of the trauma.