Raven Wings-VI

Here are the extended wings of the Raven: Life and Death, Light and Shadow, Remember or Forget? Never (Nevermore) galloping the inexorable path of Oblivion…

Alas de Cuervo-VI, Vida y Muerte, Luz y Sombra ¿Recordar u Olvidar? Life and Death, Light and Shadow Remembering or Forgetting? Raven Wings-VI

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Study for Raven Wings-VI

Paper (Cuban newspapers -relevant dates-, porn magazines, Spanish graphic advertising and Cuban political propaganda), ashes (incinerated philosophy books), charcoal, nicotine, dust, spider web, dirt collected in the cities (Havana/Palma de Mallorca), oxides and pigments on canvas.
150 x 75 cm
(Work in Progress)

Raven’s wings, endless devotion, death drive, the road to oblivion… nevermore. We succumb to the delirium that unleashes our most anguished cavilings in the abyss of “the singular despair that finds pleasure in its own torture”. Here are the extended wings of the raven: life and death, light and shadow: to remember or to forget? You will never repeat, galloping the inexorable path of oblivion; perverse conflict between the desire to remember and the need to forget “Then the reader begins to consider the raven as an emblematic being but only in the last verse of the last stanza can he see clearly the intention of making the raven the symbol of the funereal and eternal memory.”
With quotations taken from: “Method of Composition”
By: Edgar Allan Poe
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