Martin Buber, Philosophy of Dialogue: The Mediating Sphere between You and Me (Panopticon and Self-Reference)

Ernesto Benítez Exposición de Arte cubano contemporáneo fundacion habana club museo del ron

Fundación Habana Club

(Museo del Ron)

Museo del-Ron Fundación Havana-Club

Share Contemporary Art (Art and Ontology):

One and One Thousand Eyes, 2005

Acrylic, ashes, clay, charcoal and digital photography on Fabriano and Canson paper
100 x 70 cm (each work)
A group of works from this series is shown for the first time as a personal exhibition at the Museum of Rum (Fundación Habana Club Gallery), in Havana. In the following years, new works were incorporated to close other analogous and parallel lines of reflection until the series was completed in 2010.

Heidegger: Being Here/Now (Art and Ontology) and The Panocticon

As the title states, these works are conceived from the symbolism of the eye and the sense of sight as the governing organ of man’s external sensory system and the door to the material and physical (illusory) world as opposed to the intimate sense (or intuition); a reflection on appearances, clothes that cover the essential invisibility with visible veils. The prostheses (the visualization or observation artifacts) allude to science and its research methodology to symbolize rational and logical thinking, unable to penetrate the phenomena in the existential sphere because they can only understand those phenomena that are outside and free of contradictions (and that possess consistent truths).
On a second discursive level, this series of works ironically alludes to the omnipresence of the Orwellian Big Brother and the obsession with vigilance and control (a look that accompanies us wherever we go) and refers, metaphorically, to the panopticon as The Eyes of God.
This series of works, from different perspectives, alludes to the phenomenon of perception: what is real and what is apparent (Virtual)? to throw another dart in the form of a question: what tools do we contemporaries really have to tear the veil of the arcane and access reality?